Thursday, April 29, 2021

3D Art 11 - Week 15

Environment/Vehicle Project Part 04

For the remainder of this week, I focused on finalizing my textures and then bringing them into the group's UE4 project to see it in the scene. I adjusted some lighting in my version of the scene so that I could show off my assets more.

Here was the result.

I also went ahead and brought my assets into a separate level so that I could get different shots of them individually. Below is my crate. I only have one shot since I already have all the crate at different angles to see it all at once.

And here is my cannon.

I was actually really proud of how my cannon turned out. Since I basically rebuilt it from a much earlier assignment, I can see how much I have improved as a 3D artist.

Monday, April 26, 2021

3D Art ll - Week 14

Environment/Vehicle Project Part 03

This week, we focused on creating out game res model and our first bake, although it was encouraged to try and get as far with it as we can since the end of the spring semester is just around the corner.

With my models, I revisited them in ZBrush to create more chips in the wood. After that, I went into Maya and created the game res mesh off of the proxy meshes that I had. Below, you can see the topology of my models as well as the UV's.



Below are the bakes.

I tried getting a head start on textures. Below is a test for getting a texture similar to Orb's style.

Monday, April 19, 2021

3D Art ll - Week 13

Environment/Vehicle Project Part 02

For this week, we mainly focused on our final sculpts. I went ahead and sculpted my crate and cannon in ZBrush. I tried imitating the wood grain seen in most of Orb's sculpts, meaning there is lots of medium scale detail, but not much small scale detail.

Below is my crate sculpt.

And then here is the cannon sculpt. The barrel of the cannon is untouched from a previous assignment. All I changed was the sculpt on the wood and the wheels. 

I'm thinking that I might go back to sculpt on the cannon some more and see if I can bring more of Orb's chips in. I am also considering editing the pattern seen on the back of the cannon; maybe I can include my team's underwater motif in there.

Monday, April 5, 2021

3D Art ll - Week 12

Environment/Vehicle Project Part 01

This week, we were meant to create our proxy object and push them into the UE4 level. I am part of the ship interior group and the prop I am responsible for is the crate. Below are some different crate references I used for inspiration. I tried looking for both real and stylistic crates. I ended up going with a crate that had the x pattern on all the sides as well as some nails sticking out a bit. In the PureRef, I have also included a plank example from Orb that I plan on doing once I get to the high res sculpt.

And here is the proxy I made and pushed into UE4.

Sunday, April 4, 2021

Sprint #6

This week I focused on building out clearer proxies for the objects inside of the throne room that would be ready to be up-ressed and then sculpted on in ZBrush. In the picture below, I was able to have a better proxy for the throne, crown, barrel, orb stand, and ribbon plank.