Sunday, June 27, 2021

Portfolio 02 Week 02

Environment Part 02

This week, I designed the interior of Rapunzel's room in the top of her tower. This was quite the challenge, I definitely underestimated how much work this would take.

I began by doing a sketch of what the floor plan would be like, then added in necessities like a bed, and finally added stuff for character. I also made sure to have references on hand for what Italian Rococo furniture looked like.



Once I had the sketch, I decided to set everything up in Maya for a cleaner look, and to save me time for when I do the story beats in this environment for the last portfolio sprint. My plan is to finish the interior with a finalized lined and colored look, like the two examples here.


I think that I can keep adding in things for character to show more of Rapunzel's personality in the room, such as more books strewn about, a hair brush on her vanity, and maybe a bunch of hats or clothes spilling out of her wardrobe.

For this next week, I think I will spend it polishing the interior, coloring it, and showing detailed prop callouts of what is seen in her room.

Friday, June 25, 2021

Sprint #3 Delivery

This week, I focused on fleshing out the rest of the props that are seen in the throne room, such as the orb pedestal, the ribbon plank, and the benches.


Maya Shapes

ZBrush Sculpt



I also went ahead and adjusted the lights on the throne so that it would pop more as a hero asset. Metal still looks really shiny so that is something to tweak.

Sunday, June 20, 2021

Portfolio 02 Week 01

Environment Part 01

For this week, I decided to concept out how I would want Rapunzel's rococo tower to look like.

Here are my references.

After gathering references, I starting doing thumbnail design for the tower's shape. I tried to keep my tone words in mind throughout the process, which were - thriving, graceful, ornamental, and aristocratic.

After deciding on the design, I blocked out the tower in Maya in order to save time for painting the final piece. Here is the render.

After bringing the render into photoshop, I first did a quick rough paint over to see what direction I would want to go with the lighting and surrounding environment. 

Once I was satisfied with my direction, I created the final concept of the tower.

Here are the orthographics of the tower based off of the blockout I made in Maya.

Sunday, June 13, 2021

Portfolio 01 Week 04

Character Designs Week 04

This week, I focused on Prince Luca's design.

Here is are the main references I used and the initial thumbnail drawings that I started with. I used these drawings as a chance to experiment with different outfits that would affect the mood of the character. I eventually went with a mix of B, G, and J.

Here are the color combos that were considered.




And here are all the characters fully finished.

Saturday, June 12, 2021

Sprint #2 Delivery

 For this sprint,  I focused on the hero asset --> The Goblin King's throne.





In Engine

Sunday, June 6, 2021

Portfolio 01 Week 03

Character Designs Week 03

This week, I worked on Gothel's design. In this story, Gothel is sweet and a grandmother by this time in Rapunzel's life. She enjoys gardening and taking strolls in town, often seen with books in her hands for Rapunzel.

Here are some of Gothel's initial designs. I was trying to explore different shapes that could be done with the body and big dress. I found myself gravitating more toward a short and compact figure.

Once I decided how I wanted the body to be, I tried exploring different outfit designs. I decided to go with the first one since that seemed the most age appropriate and made Gothel look more approachable.

After deciding the clothes, I moved on to Gothel's expressions. I really wanted her face to squish and stretch with the expressions since her skin isn't as bouncy as it may have been in her youth.

Here are some different color iterations for Gothel's dress. I decided going with the purple palette since it seemed to look nice with Rapunzel's design.

Here is Gothel's orthographic.

This next week, I will be focusing on Prince Luca's design.